We're a group of diverse people seeking to love Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind and strength by loving the greatest to the least and everyone in-between.
Statement of Faith
We believe in one God, the creator of all that is seen and unseen.
We believe God exists in perpetual relationship: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe Jesus was the Christ, anointed to redeem the world and to reveal the mercy, love and faithfulness of the one true God.
We believe the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus bear witness to God’s redemptive desires for the world.
We believe the resurrection is both the vindication of Jesus’ life and work and the revelation of God's passion and compassion.
We believe that the way of Jesus is the way of living fully human.
We believe that all humans are made in the image of God and as such, we uphold the inherent and immutable dignity and worth of every person.
We believe we are called to the work of justice and mercy, empowered by the Holy Spirit to engage with our community as Jesus engaged with his, going to the marginalized, the unseen, the voiceless, and the powerless, to meet tangible needs and to offer love and hope.
We believe that faith, hope and love are the pillars of the church and that love is the greatest of these.
We believe God is reconciling all of creation, things seen and unseen, back into a perfect and perpetual relationship.
We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are an essential and inspired source of wisdom and guidance. We believe the authors were inspired to write to their situations, places, and times and we believe these texts communicate truths that, understood properly, are relevant and useful in teaching and guiding the Church.
We practice the sacrament of communion, recognizing Jesus’ redemptive sacrifice and God’s perpetual love.
We practice the sacrament of baptism as a declaration of God’s faithfulness to humanity and the celebration of new life in Christ.
Our Leadership
Pastor Cole Meckle
Undergraduate - Trinity Lutheran Issaquah, WA
Graduate studies - Regent College Vanvouver, B.C. Canada
Steve Brown
Lilly Lo
Todd Morris
photo coming soon.
Triss Stanfield
Our Facilities
Our Church Building
Our Sanctuary was original constructed in the late 20’s and officially commissioned as St John's Episcopal Church in 1930. It was decommissioned in 1999 and was sold to an investor in 2002. From 2002 to 2011 it was used for several purposes including a sandwich shop and office space. In 2011 it was acquired by Gather Church and joyfully recommissioned as a place of worship.
100 S. Rock St.
Centralia WA, 98531
The Atrium
The Atrium is our multipurpose building equipped with our Eat Free Cafe, a full commercial kitchen, space for our food and clothing bank and many other activities. In its past, The Atrium building had many iterations including a service station, restaurant, photography studio and printing facility. Gather was recently able to renovate it to help serve our community. Stop on by!