“Gather’s weird. It’s so much stuff. And it’s like… Whatever the need is, how do we meet it? Whatever it takes.”

Troy, Care Coordinator


The Atrium (408 W. Main St, Centralia) is the center of many of Gather’s services.

  • The Café offers free, sit down meals throughout the week.

    • Breakfast: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30am to 9:00am

    • Lunch: Monday and Tuesday from 12:00pm to 2:00pm

    • Snacks and Sack Lunch: Friday from 12:00am to 2:00pm

  • The Clothing Bank accepts clothing request forms on Monday and Wednesday. The orders are filled and ready for pickup after 12:00pm the same day.

  • Food boxes can be picked up without ordering, Thursday and Friday, from 9:00am to 3:00pm.

  • Free haircuts are available Monday and Tuesday, from 12:15pm to 2:00pm. A signup list opens at 12:00pm.

Peer support, mail, services, and assistance with locating resources are available from the staff during our open hours. Housing programs and Care Coordination are available by appointment outside of these hours. Making an appointment for services during open hours is always best, but we understand that isn’t always possible. We try to accommodate walk-in services, but staff availability is limited. 

What happens here…

  • We can help you with food - whether it’s a short term need or ongoing. You can sign up to get a food box delivered every other week; or, you can stop in Thursday or Friday to pick up a food box in person. We also serve breakfast and lunch at the café three days a week.

  • The U.S. is experiencing an affordable housing crisis that is affecting both renters and buyers. In Washington state, there are only 28 affordable and available rental homes for every 100 extremely low-income households. Gather coordinates several programs to help you find, pay for, and stay in affordable rental housing.

  • Stop by the clothing bank at the Gather Café (408 W Main St) between 9am-10:30am Mondays and Wednesdays to fill out a clothing request form. We’ll have your hand-picked items ready for you the same day. To donate, or to see our current list of needed items, click here.

  • Gather partners with parents, caregivers, and families to provide strong, safe, loving support for kids of all ages. The Gather and Grow childcare center provides daily care for preschool and school age children. Parents As Teachers works to improve parenting practices, prenatal to kindergarten age.

  • The Meds First Clinic is a low barrier medication-assisted treatment center where we offer kind, supportive, personal care five days a week. There, we also offer a Contingency Management program: test negative for meth, get a gift card. One day per week, our Syringe Services Program also provides harm reduction supplies to keep people safe and alive.

  • The Hebrew word “avodah (ah-vod-ah)” can be translated as work, serve, and worship. When we serve, we are worshipping. We also worship through song, preaching, and Communion on Saturday nights and Bible Study on Tuesday mornings.